
Ever wondered about the essence of Mathematics, its methods, conclusions, and interconnectedness with other subjects? Our program explores these questions and many others.

a math student solves a problem on a blackboard

About This Program

  • 我们的课程有三个目的:加强你的通识教育, 提供行为学专业的补充课程, social, and natural sciences, and to serve as its own mathematics major program.  
  • 我们为那些有兴趣获得该学科研究生学位的人提供综合硕士课程. In addition to gaining your bachelor's degree, receive a master's degree in Applied Mathematics, Scientific Computing, Statistics and Operations Research, math education, or pure mathematics. 
  • Our classes focus on creative problem-solving, analytical skills, and connecting math to other subject disciplines. (Ever wondered how math connects to art? We have a class for that!) 
  • 这个项目是克莱蒙特学院校际数学项目的一部分. 

At a Glance

Degree Awarded

  • Bachelor of Arts

Field Group


Program Type

Area of Study

Mathematics & Our Values

匹泽的核心价值观贯穿于我们所有的学术课程. 了解我们的数学课程如何解决跨学科学习的价值.

Interdisciplinary Learning


30% Of STEM Majors


45 Interdisciplinary Math Courses

Offered throughout the five Claremont Colleges

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a math-inspired art show display

Get Involved



Caro Harwell ‘24 and Charlotte Richards ‘25 (如图所示)和土耳其Nesin数学村的Pitzer数学教授Bahar Acu一起教授几何拓扑学,并上抽象代数课来进一步学习.

Read the Story
Students walk to class in front of the Grove House

Campus Resources

The Claremont Center for Mathematical Sciences (CCMS) 是一个在整个学院促进合作学习和教学的7C组织吗. 参加与数学相关的研讨会和讲座,或通过其面向服务的活动与数学社区联系. 

CCMS Website

Mathematics Program Details

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What You Will Learn

  1. A broad range of math topics.
  2. 如何构造逻辑严密、文笔优美的数学定理证明.
  3. 如何在现实世界中使用数学作为解决问题的工具.
  4. How to work collaboratively to solve problems.
  5. 如何有效地联系和交流欧洲杯线上买球数学的想法.
  6. 了解数学是如何与其他学习领域联系在一起的.
  7. How to use technology to explore math.
  8. 为你进入研究生院或在数学相关领域就业做准备所需的技能. 

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Mathematics Field Group



  1. Calculus (3 courses)
    • Three semesters of calculus (MATH 030 PZ, 数学031 PZ和数学032 PZ),每门课程成绩达到C或以上. In some cases, 在匹泽数学分班考试中取得合适的分数, or Calculus AP exam, may be substituted for one or more of these courses.
  2. Core (3 courses)
    • Linear Algebra (i.e. MATH 060 PZ )
    • 微分方程或数学建模课程,广泛使用微分方程. (i.e. MATH 102 PZ )
    • MATH 055 PZ – Discrete Mathematics
  3. Depth and Breadth (5 courses)
    另外五门高级数学课程(编号100或以上)与指导老师协商选择. Ideally, 这些课程将使学生接触到数学的主要领域,并在至少一个领域提供深度.
  4. Applications and Connections (2 courses)
    数学之外的两门课程,强调数学的应用或与其他学科的联系:例如, courses in Computer Science, Science, Engineering, and History or Philosophy of Mathematics. 这些课程将与指导老师协商选择,通常从I开始有数学课程, II, or III as prerequisites.
  5. Communication ( 1 Course)
  • Mathematics Forum (MATH 198 PZ ).


  • 如果学生的总平均成绩达到3分,他们将在毕业时被推荐为荣誉学生.5分或以上,数学平均绩点为3分.5分或以上,并完成一篇优秀的毕业论文. 
  • 毕业论文将由学生的匹泽数学顾问批准,通常在克莱蒙特学院的一名教师的监督下完成.

数学辅修课程要求学生修7门字母分级课程:MATH 031 PZ, MATH 032 PZ, MATH 100 PZ, a course in Linear Algebra, Mathematics Forum (MATH 198 PZ ), 以及两门额外的数学课程(不包括微积分预科和微积分I), 其中至少有一个必须是上级部门(编号100或以上), 由学生与数学系的一名成员协商后选择. 

通过预修或AP学分满足微积分II和/或III要求的学生可以通过额外的数学课程(不包括为学生准备微积分的课程)组成七门必修的字母评分课程。, by computer science courses, 或者是科学中以数学为先决条件的课程, economics, or history and philosophy of mathematics.


  • Applied Mathematics
  • Scientific Computing
  • Statistics and Operations Research
  • Teaching of Mathematics
  • Pure Mathematics 


Mathematics Faculty

portrait of professor bahar acu

Bahar Acu

  • Assistant Professor of Mathematics
  • Mathematics Field Group
portrait of david Bachman

David Bachman

  • Professor of Mathematics
  • Mathematics Field Group
portrait of Jemma Loretta

Jemma Lorenat

  • Associate Professor of Mathematics
  • Mathematics Field Group
No profile image for Shriya Nagpal

Shriya Nagpal

  • Assistant Professor of Mathematics
  • Mathematics Field Group

Contact Us

portrait of david Bachman
David Bachman
  • Professor of Mathematics
  • Mathematics Field Group

Avery 220

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  • Bachelor of Arts